What is Arabesque in Painting?

December 3rd, 2019|

What is Arabesque in Painting? This summer I took a sculpture making workshop with my former teacher and father, Eddy Roos, in Uithuizen at the Museum Eddy Roos. It was strange [...]

What Colours Make Skin Tones?

June 5th, 2019|

What Colours Make Skin Tones?  Every artist has their own recipes. For your palette only use a few colours. Skin tones are muted colours, this means mixing more variety from a [...]

  • Skull Bone Anatomy for Artist

The Landmarks of the Body

May 29th, 2019|

The Landmarks of the Body When looking at anatomy we have to start with the bones. We have 206 to 213 bones in the human body. The points where bones touch the skin, [...]

What is an Imprimatura in a Painting?

May 2nd, 2019|

What is an Imprimatura in a Painting? Imprimatura Glue and gesso are used to protect the canvas—or other surfaces— from the oil paint. The Imprimatura, or 'first paint layer', is [...]

  • Charcoal Art

What are the Different Charcoals Used in Art?

April 4th, 2019|

What are the Different Charcoals Used in Art? Powdered, vine, willow, and compressed charcoal Coal is mineral anthracite but charcoal is carbonised wood (grape vine or willow) produced by slowly heating the [...]